
"I have been a professional photographer for thirty years and have shot images for a wide variety of commercial and advertising clients, but in recent years I have concentrated on major documentary projects. These have predominantly been environmental portrait series focusing on current UK issues and are often produced in partnership with a charity. Throughout my career I have combined teaching photography with being a practicing professional photographer. I am a professor of photography at the Arts University Bournemouth and a Research Fellow. The university actively supports my research and has funded several of my major projects helping to bring them to wide audiences."

"In 2010 I won an Association Photographers Gold Award for my Hard Times work produced for The Big Issue Foundation. This was a great moment in my career as the award is internationally recognised and previous winners include photographers such as Simon Norfolk and Nadav Kander." Please see the awards list.

Paul along with Michelle Bogre are the founders of CRUX Photography Research Network go to to find out more.
